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A step further in DNA Microarray

A step further in DNA Microarray | CIGSearch™

Regulatory Gene Arrays

In order to produce a DNA microarray dedicated to investigate a wide range of biological effects related to the  inflammatory processes, we have identified through an in silico approach a set of 5000 genes in Human, mouse and Rat that share the property to be inducible by the main immunomodulators in mammals.
Such approach leads to get a nearly exhaustive list of cytokine inducible genes which is called CIGsearch™ (for Cytokines-Induced Genes) in comparison to genes that are identified either by intensive bibliographic searches in a field of interest (in this case, the selection is limited by the key words used for the query) or by experimentations (the selection is restricted to particular experimental conditions).

The gene selection was based on the identification within the whole human genome of specific DNA motifs that were defined experimentally to control transcriptional expression in response to cytokines. These motifs were previously identified by our team and belong to three groups. Search for all three regulatory motifs leads us to identify thousands of genes in human, mouse and rat genomes that were used as probes for a dedicated microarray, CIGsearch™ allowing to quantify expression of 5000 genes responding to the main  mediators of inflammation.

CIGSEARCH™ Gene Arrays

With CIGSEARCH™ you can :

  • Profile the expression of a near exhaustive list of inflammatory targeted genes.
  • Follow the expression patterns of  target genes regulated by most major immunomodulators in mammals.
  • Immediately link your gene of interest to target gene-associated pathways.
  • Discover new functions to genes.

CIGSEARCH™ Gene Arrays are designed specifically for profiling the expression pattern of genes that are regulated by immunomodulators. With CIGSearch Gene Arrays, you can quickly and easily determine which target genes are induced or repressed in your particular cell line or tissue sample.

We currently offer CIGSEARCH™ Gene Arrays for human, mouse and Rat.


Analyzing intensively gene expression profiles is the goal that GenSodi undertakes to be able to identify markers or the modulation of markers allowing to :

  • Perform early diagnostics.
  • Monitor the response to treatment (prognosis and disease management)
  • Evaluate drug effects 
  • Adapt treatment to patients (personalized treatment)

Turn Your Data into Knowledge

To facilitate data analysis, this system includes a database of genes annotated with Information from public database. Integration with Biosystems PredictSearch™ System provides valuable information on molecular function and biological process.

Click here to see what GenSodi has to offer for functional Genomics.

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